How do I protect my home against ice dams? Ice dams and wind-driven rain are the culprits, allowing water to get under a roof’s outer shell. CertainTeed WinterGuard HT (High Tack, High Temperature) is an advanced waterproofing underlayment for shingle, metal, slate and tile roofs. It is specially formulated to resist high roof temperatures under metal roofs.
CertainTeed WinterGuard HT has a tough, tear-resistant film. DiamondDeck is a synthetic, scrim-reinforce water-resistant underlayment that can be used beneath shingle, shake, metal or slate roofing. CertainTeed WinterGuard ice and water shield is applied to a new roof. So far, every roofer has included Certainteed Winterguard for an ice and water shield in their proposal.
I know that the Certainteed Winterguard . What do you pros out there pay for Grace Ice Water Shield HT and Certanteed Wintergard HT? Is the Grace HT better than Certainteed’s HT? Grace Ice and Water Shield versus Certainteed Winterguard HT , which is better? Both claim to be far superior than the competing brand’s, but . A description for this result is not available because of this site’s robots.
Roofers I speak to seem to strongly prefer Grace I/W Shield over. Certainteed and Owens Corning btands despite a very big price difference.