Condo window replacement

Window replacement can be expensive, involved and intrusive. Condo owners face completely different challenges when it comes to window replacement. Find out what you need to know about custom windows in . What is the most efficient and cost-effective way to handle the window replacement?

Our condo has been paying for window replacements. Therefore legally the association is responsible for window replacement. We would like to enclose our balcony, which is an exclusive-use . A friend of mine is having an issue with his Condo Management over who is responible for windows and doors. Specificaly he needs to replace . Fairfield County writes: Dear Mister Condo,.

Watch the above video: There are warning from some engineers that condos with window walls will not last – the replacement costs could price . PGT Custom Windows + Doors in Condominium Applications. Who is responsible to replace windows of condo. I own and live in an older condominium, on the ground floor, which unit is over yrs.

Condo owner questions who is responsible for maintenance, replacement of windows and doors. From thereon, it will require maintenance and eventual replacement as well. Standard size windows may also last about years, requiring . Leaking condominium windows are not always obvious, that is of course, until the problem is hard to ignore.